Will this work for me?
This stage is often skipped, and yet it’s a very inexpensive (typically between £150 and £250) and a useful step for most clients. For this small fee Clear Surveys will produce budgets for the proposed designs to ensure they meet your financial expectations for the project. Where the designs are not affordable they can be revised prior to them being fixed down and submitted for planning and technical design.
Save money
This avoids a very common issue where planning is granted for plans that eventually transpire to be beyond the available budget, placing the project in deadlock or causing extra professional fees for redrafting the plans until they are affordable. These additional fees can run into thousands.

Save Time
Many professionals are involved in the project design and each will likely have conflicting lead in times that do not necessarily align. Having to place the project back into this process after planning permission has been granted is not just costly, but typically adds months of delay to the process. A simple, inexpensive budget check can avoid this. Once you are happy with the budget, the next step is the Planning Stage.