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Horses for courses

This stage is pivotal to identify appropriate and capable contractors with the right skills and resources to undertake your project without selecting one who is disproportionately sized and therefore too expensive. Contractors are an adaptable bunch and will take on work well outside their comfort zone but the best results are typically delivered when the contractor is just the right size for the project in hand. A small contractor taking on a larger project will often find themselves quickly under resourced. This means too few people are on site to push the project along in a timely fashion, leading to a seemingly ever distant completion date, often months beyond their original estimate. A large contractor on a small project will often deliver a much slicker and swifter build programme due to their more abundant access to labour and resources, but their tender will reflect this due to their higher overheads.




Free Recommendations

During the tender stage, Clear Surveys will recommend various contractors who we feel are an appropriate size for your project and whom we know to have high levels of competency for the tasks in hand. We do not accept any commission for making these recommendations, we are happy to share our years of experience working with various small, medium and large contractors to ensure your project goes as smoothly as possible and that you have an enjoyable, not stressful build experience.


Tender Analysis

We will prepare the detailed package and share this with the contractors you select from our lists or other recommendations. We will then meet them on site to explain the project and answer their technical questions to ensure they have a good comprehension of the tasks at hand. Once the tenders are received, we will complete a detailed tender analysis which will benchmark costs against industry standards and between tenders, checking for high and low items. We also check for omissions, which are very common and can lead to you inadvertently appointing a contractor you believe to be less expensive only to find out later they push for constant variations to make up for careless omissions in their original tender. Arithmetic errors are also checked and we present an assessment of the risk areas where costs may be variable or where we recommend seeking clarifications from the tendering contractor.


At the end of this stage, you will have a contractor you have faith in, with a tender that is realistic and a budget that is achievable. You can now move on to drawing up the Contract to secure a start date, protect your interests and build a formal framework around the build process.


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